Allure #1Graphite, pen, and digital components 2012-2013 243 x 84cm Sold | Allure #2Graphite, pen, and digital components 2012-13 243 x 84cm Sold | Allure #3Graphite, pen, and digital components 2012-13 243 x 84cm Sold |
This experimental project is a series of three large works on paper, inspired by ‘mediated text’ received while dating online. I created Alluring (2012-2013) in response to my online dating experience. My aim was to document the initial phase of making virtual contact with a dating user via a mobile device. Using contemporary portraits enabled me to document how users communicate and arrange to meet offline.
The overall purpose of making this series was to raise awareness about how relationships can be formed through mobile phones. In doing this, the project shows the procedure of choosing individuals to connect with based on profile images. Another significant factor was to use the shape of an iPhone 4S and snippets of mediated text to establish how individuals connect and make the transition to offline. Combining mediated text with profile images shows how individuals connect with others via visual and verbal means.
Alluring (2012 - 2013)
10 Aug - 23 Aug 2012
Brunswick Street Gallery
322 Brunswick Street
Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia